Delivery Model

Third Eye brings a strong set of real-world experiences and expertise around AI projects. Our partnership approach to projects, our no-surprises project management philosophy and capability to leverage the (onsite-offsite-offshore) delivery model ensure value to every dollar spent by our clients. 

The delivery model is executed as follows: 

  1. Local architects and developers are deployed, as need be, to work on the project from our client’s local offices. 
  2. Local architects and developers would work interactively with Client’s team to develop the design and architecture. 
  3. The local PM would be working with the Client’s team, Third Eye’s team local and offshore teams. 
  4. Third Eye’s offshore team would be completely controlled by Third Eye’s local team. 
  5. Third Eye’s offshore team would work on areas best suited for them to work on. 
  6. The Offshore Development team would work on a cloud cluster for all internal development purposes. 
  7. Dummy/anonymized data would be provided to Offshore Development team. 
  8. The Offshore Development team would provide compiled and functional code to the Local development team. 
  9. Offshore Development team would not have access to the clusters inside Client’s firewalls. 
  10. Only Local development team would have access to Client’s clusters. 
  11. Local development team would push all code into the development cluster inside Client’s firewalls. 
  12. Once fully tested on development cluster inside Client’s firewalls, it would be pushed to the staging and the production clusters accordingly.