Springboot Microservices

With the advent of cloud computing & containerization, microservices has taken the world by storm. Organizations are hunting for professionals with Microservices Architecture Training

Why is there a need for Spring Boot?

Spring Boot enables building production-ready applications quickly and provides non-functional features:

  • Embedded servers which are easy to deploy with the containers
  • It helps in monitoring the multiples components
  • It helps in configuring the components externally

So, let us see what are the challenges with Microservices Architecture

Challenges With Microservice Architectures

While developing a number of smaller microservices might look easy, but there are number of inherent complexities that are associated with microservices architectures. Let’s look at some of the challenges:

  • Automating the Components: It becomes difficult to automate everything because there are a number of smaller components instead of a monolith, i.e. Builds, Deployment, Monitoring, etc.
  • Perceptibility: There are number of small components to deploy and maintain which sometimes becomes difficult to monitor and identify problems. It requires great perceptibility around all the components.
  • Configuration Management: There is a great need to maintain the configurations for the components across the various environments.
  • Debugging: It becomes difficult to probe each and every service for an error. Centralized Logging and Dashboards are essential to make it easy to debug problems.
  • Consistency: You cannot have a wide range of tools solving the same problem. While it is important to foster innovation, it is also important to have some decentralized governance around the languages, platforms, technology and tools used for implementing/deploying/monitoring microservices.

Information Source – https://www.edureka.co/blog/microservices-with-spring-boot