Pro app developmentProvides backend mobile services for rapid development of mobile solutions, identity management, data synchronization, storage and notifications across devices.Mobile Hub Mobile Apps |
Xamarin Apps
Firebase |
+ App Engine |
+ Cloud Endpoints |
+ Compute Engine
Mobile Foundation |
Push Notifications
Offers the technology to rapidly build cross-platform and native apps for mobile devices.Mobile SDK Mobile Apps Firebase |
+ App Engine
Mobile Foundation |
Provides authentication capabilities for mobile applications.Cognito Mobile Apps |
Firebase |
+ App Engine
App ID
App testingServices to support testing mobile applications.Device Farm Xamarin Test Cloud
(front end)
Cloud Test Lab Bitbar Testing
AnalyticsSupports monitoring and feedback collection for the debugging and analysis of a mobile application service quality.Pinpoint HockeyApp |
Application Insights
Logging |
Mobile Analytics |
Enterprise mobility
Provides mobile device management, mobile application management, and PC management capabilities from the cloud.Intune Mobile Foundation
Real-time data queriesIs a fully managed serverless GraphQL service for Mobile Apps real-time data queries, sync and offline features.AppSync Mobile Apps
ThirdEye Data

Transforming Enterprises with
Data & AI Services & Solutions.

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leveraging state-of-the-art Data & AI technologies.

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