Your organization depends on ready access to its information resources. That’s probably part of the reason you decided to adopt cloud solutions, such as Amazon Web Services: Not only are these options cost-effective and flexible, they make it easier for employees to tap into important data and tools from just about anywhere.
With the rapidly increasing demand to predict the future of markets and consumer behaviour – Predictive Analytics has become a necessity for retailers like Walmart, Amazon, eBay and Nordstrom. A smart TV that knows which shows to record, an espresso coffee machine that raises an alert when it requires maintenance, a refrigerator that alerts you when the milk is out of stock – are all powered by data analytics.
Introducing the Predictive Analytical System now available on the AWS Marketplace
Amazon’s marketplace has a new addition – an artificial intelligence based service that lets enterprises deploy, customize and operate an end-to-end predictive analytical solution in a matter of days. The Predictive Analytical System is a complete end-to-end solution, which is built from native services available on the AWS cloud and third party technology providers. The benefits of system are fast data processing capability, scalability, reliability, an accurate predictive analysis, and a connected application.
To get the System up and running, there are distinct steps which must be followed sequentially for proper setup, configuration and execution of the end-to-end processes.
These steps are as follows:
- Setup up the services
- Build Data Pipeline
- Deploy Machine Learning models for predictive analysis, using R
- Execute and run the system.
Run it by yourself by downloading the Predictive Analytical System from the Amazon AWS Marketplace by clicking here.
The Amazon AWS Marketplace is the largest “app store” in the world, regardless of being strictly a B2B app store. Since AWS resources can be instantiated in seconds, you can treat these as “disposable” resources – not hardware or software you’ve spent months deciding which to choose and spending a significant up-front expenditure without knowing if it will solve your problems.
The “Services not Servers” mantra of AWS provides many ways to increase developer productivity, operational efficiency and the ability to “try on” various solutions available on Amazon AWS Marketplace to find the perfect fit for your business needs without a commitment to long-term contracts.
Join us for an intriguing and interactive Webinar on June 15th, 2015 to learn how to develop and run this Predictive Analytical System on the Amazon AWS Cloud.
- Understand how to integrate multiple services (both native and third-party ones) in AWS marketplace.
- Learn to generate the required datasets and initiate the data pipeline.
- Use a machine learning model for predictive analysis
- Create a predictive dashboard for visualizations.
- Use a mobile app to get mobile notifications based on the predictive analysis.
- Demo
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