Handling Rare Events and Class Imbalance in Predictive Modeling for Machine Failure

By |2019-03-12T11:17:25+00:00September 21st, 2017|Analytics, Big Data, Churn, Data Sciences, Hadoop, MapReduce, Marketing Analytics, Pranab Ghosh, Predictive Analytics, Predictive Modeling|

Handling Rare Events and Class Imbalance in Predictive Modeling for Machine Failure Most supervised Machine Learning algorithms face difficulty when there is class imbalance in the training data i.e., amount of data belonging one class [...]

Customer Churn Prediction with SVM using Scikit-Learn

By |2023-06-19T11:15:28+00:00April 24th, 2016|Analytics, Big Data, Churn, Data Sciences, Hadoop, MapReduce, Marketing Analytics, Pranab Ghosh, Predictive Analytics, Predictive Modeling|

Customer Churn Prediction with SVM using Scikit-Learn Support Vector Machine (SVM) is unique among the supervised machine learning algorithms in the sense that it focuses on training data points along the separating hyper planes. In [...]